Tuesday, November 20

Day One

The first lecture had overview what the new technologies are and defined the communication and technology. Also my first English blog had building up.

Blog is a popular and a fashion thing for people to communicate each other. People can see different people and different information from blog. On the blog, people can put on the different stories, different pictures, or different news, etc. Blog is a free way for people to say anything which what they want to talk about.

Back to the technology. The technology worlds is changing everyday. Ten years earlier, how many people chatting on the Internet? How many people find information from Internet? How many people got blog? Before ten years ago, does anyone saw that we can see movies on the phone, we can see each other through the phone, and everyone can have a own weblog and do the design what you like on the weblog!

What technology will change to after ten years later?


Lee said...

Hi my name is Lee and I am one of your class mates for New Comm Technologies. I found your blog address on Sue's blog and hope you don't mind that I have added you to my blogger friend's list. You are welcome to visit my blog anytime. Cheers Lee

H.C★ said...

wow. hi~ i found u randomly, im in communication tech too. && ur blog looks AWESOME!!! ;)